March 05, 2003

Little Violet and the Angel

"That's him" Posted by Hello

LITTLE VIOLET & THE ANGEL 2003 Posted by Hello

The best part of being in this play has been the interaction with the other
cast members throughout the process.

All of us are either seeking God, running from Him, denying Him, or yearning for a closer walk. It has been a wonderful few weeks as I've had some suprising ways of privately getting to know each individual. I was trying to listen to the Holy Spirit for how God might use me to draw them closer to Him. It is in the end HIS job, and I just have to be in love with him, and let that spill over on them whether they want to soak it up or not (the sweet blessing for me turned out that, for the most part, they were all sponges...or they were very good at humoring me!).

Yesterday, before the last shows, I sought out each person to pray privately for them as I gave them a small gift.

I'd prayed with a few of them on other occassions. Once was for our lead - an absolutely adorable local tv star - who hurt his back in rehearsal and I asked him privately if he would let me pray for him and his back. He said, OF COURSE! He told me that his back was completely better after the prayer.

Posted by Hello
Even the admitted atheists let me pray for them, and were obviously surprised and touched. It was a very sweet each time (except the spooky one with the guy who's the most anti-christian...the lights went out back stage where we prayed - pitch black - just at the moment I said "AMEN." He said standing next to me in the dark, "You think I'm supposed to read something into this?" I said, "Yeah, maybe God wants to get your attention." He said, "No, it's probably more like the Devil saying [he says in a demon voice] 'What are you doing praying? I thought I told you not to do that'!").

We were all were very aware that whether or not the show was "theologically correct" (it wasn't!) it made everyone involved, and even those who came to see it, think more about spiritual things. And for my part, I earned a bit of their respect professionally as an actress, and as an older Christian sister who genuinely cares about them.

"Little Violet & the Angel" curtain call Posted by Hello

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