October 25, 2003

Artists Trip to Cambodia

Cambodia in all it's poverty, chaos and dirt was super.

We had a driver and a clean place to eat and bathe and sleep everynight, and teenaged Khmer translator for some of the time. And we felt safe. Which is more than we were thinking we'd have. We just had to be more flexible with not being able to communicate (the place we stayed or the driver weren't English speakers and there was no

Our team got along marvelously and moved graciously through the week a ittle in the dark and confused about some things, but sweet and gracious and honest with each other. It forced us to trust the Lord's leading, and learn to lay down our rights. It was great to be on a team of mature and Godly confident people...even if we all were artists, there were no prima-donnas!

Teaching drama at a chicken farm. Posted by Hello

The children were absolutely dear. So wonderful. And our theme of the "truths about your Father God" was fun to see take shape in their lives through the drama, dance and art activities. They all loved us!

Mirror Exercise Posted by Hello

Diamond Ensemble exercise Posted by Hello

CCAM is a creative arts School/orphanage in Phnom Phen. I'm eager to go back again, or try it out in another country!

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