November 14, 2005

Artists Gathering 2005 (A4J)

It was a great meeting last night...A nice mix of people...a sweet time of sharing and praying for one another. Wish there were more time to hear from everyone. You are all His WORKMANSHIP or POEM - You're God's original expression of himself to the world. So sweet to see how your craft is shaping up in you and how you reflect his glory!

If you're a Christian and you'd like to join the Arts for Jesus egroup, send a short introduction of yourself, your faith, and your role in the arts. Just click here: Arts for Jesus. Also check out Create le Voyage, our online magazine for Christians in the Arts.

1 comment:

Faith said...

Hi Kimberly!

This is Faith from Hope107! You are a Godsend! I was praying so hard for guidance and I was so scared because I love the performing arts, esp drama but just cuz you love something doesn't make you good at it. There's so much to learn, I'm really a fish out of water...

Yet, I was tasked to head my church's drama ministry next year because they thought I had so much passion and energy for it.

I prayed so hard and BOOM! here you are! Thank God!!