May 06, 2009


At an Examination Board meeting for an institution of Higher Learning today I JUST HAD TO KEEP FROM ROLLING MY EYES! I am so not an academic!!! I learned today that the Singaporeans get their nit-picky need to obsess on details from the British! I almost laughed out loud a couple of times. Left brain people talking about adjusting every course assignment graded to a 100% scale and then re-doing the math to figure percentages for the grades in a grading systems for a CREATIVE ARTS program. I need an administrator! Absolutely Oxymoronic. and takes most of the fun out of it for me. God knows there's not much money when we add up the hours. Felt like they were tearing my fingernails out and I was just listening. Earners of Doctorate Degrees, I'm sure are mostly all good people. AND, If I just think about Academics as being, say, Slovenes from the Balkans, or Yaminaua Indians of Ecuador, and suspend my judgement of their culture Like i would if they had bones in their noses I'd not be so critical. I LOVE teaching, and seeing students learn, grow, experience life more creatively full and rich. I just can't tolerate the hoops we all must go through to make most of those students feel merely adequate in the end.

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