July 05, 2006

Christians & Theatre in Singapore

"We live in what is, but we find a thousand ways not to face it. Great theatre strengthens our faculty to face it." ~Thornton Wilder, 1958
Sights & Sounds Book.jpg

A Christian Response to Theatre.

I was asked last May to write a chapter for this new book
Initially I thought this was an easy topic to address. As the quote above states, people don’t like to face the truth, and great theatre forces us to look at life truthfully. As Christians we know the source of all truth. If we can understand and harness the power that theatre has in touching people memorably and deeply, our practice of this art form can reach into the human heart and reveal there the innate longing for relationship with it’s loving Creator God and his son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. How to respond to theatre as a Christian? Embrace and use it.

If it were that easy, mine would would have been the shortest chapter in this book. However, as I began to write, I found the subject too daunting. I ended up passing the assignment off to Dale Savidge, the Executive Director of Christians in Theatre Arts (THANK YOU DALE!!!). My simplistic answer "Embrace and use it." is not as easily explained or carried out as I first thought when I eagerly took on this writing assignment. It also has not been as easy to live it out as I thought it would be when I first moved to Singapore. Here's a link to my article, but you can order the SIGHTS & SOUNDS book from the order form I've posted on flickr.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Dear Kimberly:

Wonderful thoughts about the Christian and theatre in Singapore! I wish you and our artists much blessings as you continue to serve God in the theatre.

By the way, one of my very good friends in Theatre in Singapore happen to be Ivan Heng who was my choir member at Christ Methodist Church many years ago when I was the Youth Choir Director there from 1978-1983...

Thought you might like to know and if you know him, please say hello to him again for me!