February 09, 2004

Getting PAID Validates a Person's Work

emailed to Christian Dedrick

You want to know the really neat thing for me about being a missionary? My "work" here in Singapore, while still in performing arts like i did at RHCC, is more in the world, ie. professionally. A place where I make friends with people who don't yet know Jesus, or are Christian artists who've never felt like they "fit" in church. It is VERY VERY cool. And, being as it's professional, I also get PAID to sing, act, write and direct...not much, mind you, but still it is a very nice thing to get some cash for what you do! I got to do some more studio work singing again this week!

What an ego! I made an album for my family of the songs I'd recorded this year. 2003 Posted by Hello

After all the years of kind of feeling like the eccentric little pastors' wife who (pat her head) had a nice artsy hobby that the church could make room for as long as it wasn't too weird or contorversial. (OKAYYYY. I have to stop myself here and admit that's really kind of unfair to say- I had many great opportunities while at Rolling Hills Covenant Church). Still, all those years as a young adult -not to mention a Woman in a conservative male dominated church, I was trying to find where my place was in the world, and how to give my heart and life completely to Jesus...

Jim was the one who brought the pay check home. Like it or not, $ is a tangible symbol of value, and he's still the one who's name the CRM paycheck still is written out to (CRM is the organization we serve with). Getting paid here for art has been such a gift from God to me - a validation from Him after all these years of feeling like I was just a little bonus to the important (valid) stuff that Jim does.

God loves the way he made ME! I'm not an "Oops!...Uh oh, that one turned out weird."

NOPE, I'm made just the way he intended!

You are too!

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